Sunday, December 9, 2012

google int not long not

I opened a joke with Chen Ning .However ,still said: our company last year to apply for the establishment of real estate companies, specific approval procedures for how to do is not clear to me ,google,but to your SASAC ,Development Council for approval ,and then .
Speak ,and do not have a deep one look at Chen Ning ,said slowly : however ,according to later I know our company light apply cost reached about six hundred thousand yuan , relationresultAbout six hundred thousand yuan.
National endowment appoint function is the supervision and management of state-owned enterprises ,including their investment ,mergers and acquisitions ,restructuring and other aspects of the examination and approval .
While the examination function is exactly the main function of the development planning bureau .As director ,Chen Ning was very clear .The central enterprises normal application doesn any costs .
At the front of a faint smile on one was a face of Yao Ziqing ,Chen Ning by an .Imperceptibly back lit a cigarette ,the cigarette smoked faster time, a bold plan to gradually formed in Chen Ning .
This program although some adventure .But this is Chen Ning the only way to reverse the adverse situation .relationresultDetermined,his hand was burned severely .Now I hear Yao Ziqing cheerfully came and said: take a shower ,take a shower water has given you away .
, relationresultBefore looking at thelovely Yao Ziqing ,Chen Ning suddenly on the face of a smile , you wash them ,or wash together . Then stood up from the sofa ,pull a face has appeared shy Yao Ziqing hand .
? !relationresultWhat are you doing ?.relationresultWash together .Can you help me back to you , relationresultThat night,Chen Ning did not return to their temporary residence ,national endowment appoint jade spring garden hostel .
relationresultSince theold schoolmate Lu Yuping vice director Tang Qian has got the nod their own as deputy secretary ,Jin Yizhong mood of these two days of sichuan .Since the arrival of Chen Ning .
Always grim expression disappeared ,and melting ,small ,is often face hanging a gracious smile .This let ,the Development Bureau cadres were surprised at the same time ,the heart also faintly see Jin Yizhong expression changes ,Facebook,will indicate what .
And in the two and two team members .Deputy director Zhang Xingqiang and deputy inspector Yao Zhiping made was of some concern, gradually developed into uneasy .Comprehensive office said a staff member for a small negligence .
Yao Zhiping was severely criticized the meal ,it now bureau in anxiety, fear of the people ,are looking forward to the new deputy director candidate hurry down, provincial leaders worry ,get underneath them people suffer .
relationresultHowever,Chen Ningzheng calmly watching all of this .The last observation station of the three standing director candidates .Be honest and the three Chen Ning are not the ideal candidate .
relationresultDuring the period,Chen Ning also received the Secretary in charge of director Tang Qian call ,urged Chen Ning to hurry up with the means of standing deputy director general for the papers ,Tang was very concerned about bureau of planning and development work .
Chen Ning also told Tang Qian said ,ask him to Director Tang ,deputy secretary of the candidates in recent days on .relationresultHowever,Chen Ning could report it ,the very next day appoint member of leading Party group ,Secretary Li Ziheng a phone called Chen Ning to his office .
relationresultWhen Chen Ningwalked into Li Ziheng office ,I saw in the office has sat two people, one is known to Chen Ning ,the Ministry of supervision correct wind does vice director Wang Yiming .
Of course ,at this time Chen Ning also mounted a pair of don .relationresultLi Ziheng firstintroduced Chen Ning to the two Ministry of supervision correct wind does comrade, besides Wang Yiming .
The other one is also correct wind does director .Then look seriously said to Chen Ning : correct wind does King director and a director to our national endowment appoint to you to know something about your bureau deputy director Comrade Jin Yizhong in some cases, I hope you can in principle to seek truth from facts ,truthfully reflect the situation correct wind does comrade .
, relationresultChen Ning nodded.Li Ziheng is national endowment appoint a poker-faced Bao ,since he took office ,has dealt with several cases of hall bureau class cadre of above of illegal cases ,whether it is national endowment appoint the cadre or internal central enterprises executives ,if slightly unclean ,mention Li Ziheng ,not afraid .
Chen Ning has also heard .If Li Ziheng did not speak is investigating Jin Yizhong problems of listening to Li Ziheng talk, Chen Ning also really think is it right? I made a mistake .relationresultDirector chen .
We have received your report ,said the development planning bureau deputy director Comrade Jin Yizhong in the central enterprises under the examination and approval formalities when, used his powers to have accepted bribery behavior .
We want to you to understand some relevant in this context .? Wang Yiming is also a deputy first meet with Chen Ning look ,cnn,Chen Ning asked politely to .At the same time ,sat down beside Wang Yiming commissioner ,a pair of cadres of discipline inspection standard workflow ,took out a big notebook ,ready to do the record .
relationresultChen Ning revealsa startled look ,looked at Wang Yiming and saw that look some angry Li Ziheng ,said: I just transferred to the Bureau of planning and development is not a .
Months before ,on the not so familiar .If you want me to introduce the recent period Comrade Jin Yizhong works, I think Comrade Jin Yizhong was a relatively strong capacity of comrade .
As he is it right? In the approval of projects to receive affiliate business bribery ,this I do not know .However ,my initial impression about Comrade Jin Yizhong ,comrade Jin Yizhong is an ability to work well ,principle strong comrade .
Said, Chen Ning smiled and looked at Li Ziheng and said: this is not ,this is our bureau to nominate him as deputy director . , relationresultWang Yiming nodded,a director at the side quickly tells Chen Ning that relate in detail the down .
As national endowment appoint member of leading Party group ,Li Ziheng also knows that Chen Ning does not have a few days to take the research group to the Northeast research ,Development Planning Bureau has also prepared a standing deputy director general ,Chen Ning is not the time ,presided over the Bureau of planning and development work .
relationresultHowever,Li Ziheng heard the report by bribery Jin Yizhong Chen Ning is actually prepared to Deputy Secretary of the candidate, a frown .Where things are not clear investigation before his promotion ,Li Ziheng opposed the Jin Yi .
At the same time ,the Jin Yizhong case was report to the Ministry of supervision correct wind does ,the Ministry of supervision has formed an investigation team to investigate the case ,and he as a veteran cadres of discipline inspection ,national endowment appoint the secretary is in the investigation of official group of looking for home .
Know the SASAC should make such a case made Li Ziheng feel very lose face ,also very angry .Directly to Chen Ning expressed opposition at this time sick promoted Jin Yizhong as Deputy , relationresultLong.
relationresultSecretary Li, I have a few days to take a team to northeast survey ,we deputy director candidates did approach is in eyebrow film ,yesterday Director Tang also let me as soon as possible to do Chen Ning face bitter color .
relationresults all.In this case I will direct and director Li and Comrade Tang Qian bulletin .About your Council Comrade Jin Yizhong as the Deputy Secretary of the proposal or slow the papers ,and other things to find out what Chen Ning said is the truth ,Li Ziheng slightly hesitated once said .
relationresultChen Ning also onlyhelpless nodded ,Wang Yiming and symbolic asked Chen Ning a few questions after the end of the conversation .After all, Chen Ningcai does not have the full one months .
The first to find Chen Ning ,in addition to understand the situation outside ,also with Chen Ning the director to say hello .relationresultFrom Li Ziheng ,Chen Ning by revealing a subtle smile ,andao: Wang Yiming did not expect the speed so fast .
Back in the office ,Chen Ning immediately to the personnel director Kazuhashi Yama by telephone .After all, Chen well being national endowment appoint not long, not too familiar with all aspects of . Related articles:

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