Sunday, December 2, 2012

google in Zi's outside the

There is a common affair that can do, having a common topic can chat, gradually, each other of distance the meeting be more pulled more near, foster life and death feelings between the brotherses.
Truth like this, the dog son doesn't understand, he is just doing like this just!
It is Zheng Zhou Ren to greatly bolt, this year 30 Be getting more successful in career, serve as soldier have already had the quite a few the year, have never gone home once, lucky of BE, he is still on the hoof.
He all once treated in many troopses, but had never needed to be been like a long river camp troops like this, maize rice takes care of satisfied, the noodles a round flat cake takes care of satisfied, occasionally, and the broth drinks and even still needs to pay salary a silver, know, even if is in the regular troops, also have no this to say, and, in the army camp, even if is Wei adult in the school to can not open small cooking stove, either, have to eat similar meals and hear with everyone, generally get adult want ~only sometimes, will train together with the brotherses every morning, get adult to also eat same meal generally, however, due to doing not see with own eyes this scene greatly bolting can not believe.
Small post only have 16 years old, is also the government troops for surrendering, three soldiers just more than two months, he is a native of the place, walk road up, be passed by of the government troops caught young fellow, careless be last soldier, at first, time go to bed in the evening, also usually from the bedding in cry to wake up, now, beat with everyone one, so of affair few occurrence.
Everyone looks after this small guy very much, the dog son also specially looks after to him, however, although he is young, feelings is abundant, seem to be some flabbinesses,the skill in martial arts is very good, not only ride Shu brilliant, run also soon, this is that he can get into is all reason of the old soldier's patrol camp, and, he is a native of the place, be familiar with the geography in the region, can not be in need of him in this squad.
The front is an one marsh land, the dog son heard water voice, he drew out waist knife and walk is bolting to carry on the shoulder a long gun with small post most before and greatly heel at his after death, 2 of gun jumps two flood bottle.
Stand down marsh land, once turned a soil ascent, a small river Shan wore white light, Hua Hua ground from in the moment flow through.
The small post smiles to rush to go to the small river, suddenly, bump at stop the body of dog son at first up.
"Captain, how?"
He title lo wear dog son, dog son big Zhang Zhu's mouth, Leng Leng ground lo wear body side, he follows the vision of dog son to hope to go, at be apart from they only 20th, tread a far soil ascent of another part, tenth, the soldier takes to take the tool of water to stand on the small river a side and sees appearance, is also just just walked to, they same Leng Leng ground the lo wore a this place.
Do patrol most important of is what?Isn't a combat,cnn, but conceal own trace, the muckraker enemy's truth or falsity, if be discovered by the enemy, the words of circumstance disadvantage, never fight, what you needed is to escape, escape back to tell his/her own last officer the intelligence report for understanding, this is Gao Chang when the patrol camp establishes for talking whole campses.
To Gao Chang, the dog son pays highly respects and receives to his words if Imperial decree, therefore, is seeing the enemy's a moment, he had decision right away.
"Small post!Run quickly!"
The dog son pushed a small post a , the other party the persons are much certainly many, these 3 people of oneself far and far aren't opponents, and can run to escape.
"The Mao is!"
Is long gun up the water pitcher picking drop at ground up, fall off fall apart, the small post returns to absolute being, heart palpitates suddenly acceleration, he carries on the shoulder a gun, with early turn round to rush greatly to bolt to after death run about wildly.
The enemy also returns to absolute being, sends out general Hao of wild beast to call and brandished weapon to hurtle to come up.
While turning round to escape, dog son's having already chased those enemy's los is careful, they wear simple skin AN and just tie a cloth towel on the head, didn't wear helmet, if not that their number dresses up have the sign of government troops, probably will chase these people regard as is a roving bandits, however, the dog son knows they why equip thus easy and convenient and simple and crude, because they and this is square similar, all patrol, as a patrol, don't pursue protection dint, what to pursue is speed and convenience.
Run about wildly all the way, follow soil ascent in the ditch valley, get into a forest grass cluster, the breath of the thou strong wind is more and more urgent, the walking gait is heavy, he turned head lo the under charge of lo oneself, those people didn't even use and far and far drop at behind.
These guy, actually eat what grow up, run be like a rabbit,Facebook, lo wear dog son of figure disappear in the forest behind, thou strong wind not from like this think a way, his of course not knows that the training that grows a river camp is negative weigh cross-country long-distance run this, Be different from the training of government troops, be raise a stone lock what of, however, he isn't worried that this several individuals will succeed in escaping, he already notify behind of patrol big brigade, they will ride a war horse to make track for.
Thou strong wind they this brigade contain 100 bearers, they walk on the front of forward brigade and is responsible for cleaning up along the road, make enemy not know this square's movements, didn't expect, but at take aqueous of time and the enemy's patrol encounter, if be succeeded in escaping by these patrols, he comes to a bad fruit to eat, generally getting of the forward camp piece the adult is always a heartless iron noodles guy.
"Solve Jiang, top horse!"
Saw to serve as the companion that the 瞭 hopes Shao far and far, the dog son was loudly crazy call, know, the other party just takes an aqueous person to have tenth, ,google, this proves an enemy this brigade patrol number is so many, can have many people serve as patrol, oneself this all the way meet necessarily is the enemy's main force, this news must bring back and admit of no to lose.
Is public the station start and run to own horse before the body and untie bridle and turn over a horse of body in succession, after waiting an all last horse of owners, dog son one makes next, the everyone drives a horse to outside rush to Lin Zi.
This delays, the thou strong wind also made track for to come up, his corner of mouth broke out one silk hideous smile and solve a low back negative on the shoulder of grow bow, immediately, stand firm body, Zhang Gong takes arrows.
This forest to know although not big, the partition of tree also not calculate close, , think is beating a horse to run about wildly in a forest like this, that is the impossible affair, ride the speed right away, the speed in fact still can not compare with to rush, only, dog son they also aren't likely to throw down to fight a horse, otherwise, once wood, those two legs how to run and also can not compare with four legs.
The arrows Shi leaves Xian but and stares at a knight's empress to carry on the back like flying snake and bit in the past, the person who was taken aim at by that arrows what to is exactly the captain dog V words that fell after the behind broke was the person whom they won best eyesight, at this time, thou strong wind and his tenth, the under charge stand at Lin Zi's outside, they have no horse, isn't likely to make track for up ride the dog son that the horse runs about wildly they.
"Have already lived?"
"Doing not live is all that one arrows is dead!"
The thou strong wind roars with laughter, clapped the shoulder of clapping the person at the side of body and said.
"You these dogs are miscellaneous kind of, the arrows Shu is quite good, all don't know to stay 2 to live to cross-examine!"
"Hey Hey!"
The person of his under charge smiled in succession, the murderous look on the face drive simple and honest laughter blunt spread.
"Is small four they have already surrounded to go to?If be escaped by these people, ***, your captain doesn't have the good fruit to eat!That iron noodles absolute being doesn't know again how fix Lao Tze!"
"How to do?"
When a brigade rides soldier from one side the horizontal piece come over, behind again have a brigade to ride at the time of wildly making track for, the soldier beats seven people's heart that the horse runs about wildly not from tight get up, the voice greatly bolting is tiny to tremble.
The object dog son inquired by him raises head, the lo wears front, the brigade intercepting rides a soldier to have 20 bearers, they line up into one row, Gao Ju Ma Shuo dynasty oneself wait person to hurtle to come over.
"Is blunt pass by!Even if all people die in battle and also want to let the small post run to go out!"
The dog son grips waist knife, he didn't grow weapon, again the body suffers from severely wounded, this can not hinder him to kill a few enemies.
"Small post!"
He loudly shouts a way.
"Listen to clear to have no, you must run to go out and tell the Xiao captain the circumstance here and make him turn to reach to get adult generally, so, we these brotherses die just worthly!"
"BE!Captain!I listenned to clear!"
The small post takes to cry Related articles:

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